Aaron loves...

...soap, or the dispenser itself. For the right price, Aaron will love your major label nationally branded item. Aaron will work in print or television advertising mediums as a model spokesperson. He will say almost anything. He has loved many objects in the past, and will continue to love things in the future.


theroblog.com said…
Yes, this is my child.
Anonymous said…
Very cute pic.. Rent-A-Child business must be booming. He cracks me up! - Suzanne
Anonymous said…
And so a lifetime love of mechanical devices and gadgets has begun. At least he gets it honestly. You must be so proud!
Anonymous said…
When does he get to have his own gadget room?
theroblog.com said…
He does have one, it's called the living room. TiVo, Xbox, an old Dreamcast we never use. (Ebay time....)

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