
Showing posts from 2009


There are •snails• on her plate!

Fix for Sansa C140 Slow Sync with Windows Media Player 11

Fairy Dust by Paris Hilton

Because I find it Amusing

Iron Man 2 Official Trailer on

Croonchy Stars and other Childhood Cereals

Gamestop: Up your trade-in amount 'trick'

Cooking Tips for Countertop Convection Ovens

Holiday Gift Idea or Not

How I Lost Weight and Gained Muscle! The Secret


How to Destroy the American Criminal System

High protein, Low Fat Shake.

Snow in Houston?!

Ah, what passes for Journalism

A Fitness Idea

Cellphones: What Choice do you have?

Dude, Where's My Car?


Awesome Legoness

theroblog's eBook Store

Budweiser Select 55: now on tap!

Amazon's Black Friday Linky

More 'Community' on NBC

Job Opportunity for Furloughed Pilots

How to use a Mac Keyboard with Windows with remapping

7 Kinds of Awesome Chili

Another 'comic'

Netflix Rating System: New option

Free Beastie Boys Tracks

Mystery Jelly or: Granny, is that you?

2009: The Last Thanksgiving

What roblog readers are Reading


Myvu PMV-1003i: Some Brief Notes

Oh, you Star Wars Nuts!

'Community' Clip: Chevy Chase trades barbs with Joel McHale

Smoothie And Margarita Machine Bargain

Stomache Ulcers: The Big Kids' Disease

Another rough weather day

A Story

Santa! I love Santa!

Quick and cheap last minute Halloween Costumes

World of Warcraft Tip: Can't see 'Consecration' effect for Paladin spell?

Chris Farley and David Spade's DirecTV ad

A Feel Good TV Show

PETA collides with NOW: Thousands injured

theroblog Original Comic

Microsoft Opens First Retail Store in Scottsdale, AZ

Barnes and Noble Nook eReader: I wish I had a hands on review, so somebody send me one!

How to burn a DVD from a DVD Media Player Document

iTunes 9 not Recognizing iPod Video, Classic, and others?

iPod Video Repair 5th Generation. Some notes.

Quick Review: Sun Crystals vs. Ideal sweeteners

3D Computer Games: Why don't we have this already?

People of Wal Mart: All your mullet are belong to us

How many progress indicators do you need?

OS X Server 10.4.11: Can no longer login to ftp

How to Return A Netflix DVD if you lost the Mailer

Beginning iPhone Development Books

Fish Place #3 in Sugarland, TX: A Review

Rube Goldberg: Free time? What Free Time?

Dr. Horrible's (I will not) Sing Along Blog

That's a real TV show?

What I found on my Bike Ride

TiVo Series 3 HD Hard drive upgrade report


Nvidia 610i Ethernet controller and 100% CPU usage

Tee Hee


Poor Planning


Space Center Houston on the cheap

Macbook Hard Drive Upgrade: