Dell x50v traded in for x51v. Thank you Dell and EA Austin B
Short story: I bought an x50v from a Pawn Shop. I bought the Windows Mobile 5 upgrade CDs off ebay. The upgrade stunk. Slow, locked up, mysterious battery discharges, you name it. So, I downgraded. Now, I hear that Dell is giving some people an exchange for a refurb x51v if your x50v is under warranty. Turns out mine is, and EVEN THOUGH I bought the PDA and CD through different third parties, and not from Dell directly, they are sending me an x51v. Thanks to Dell and 'EA Austin B' from the Dell chat technical support area! I chatted with him online on three occasions and he helped me transfer the ownership officially, and get the x51v. For what it's worth I have bought directly from Dell before. 1 desktop and 2 laptops. Maybe that helped. :)