Dell Customer Service and Tech Support; Buy a Mac

Well, as a followup to this post, Dell Support is lacking.

I had problems with the x51v they had sent me. Pen sticks in the slot badly, one dead pixel, graphics corruption if Pocket Internet Explorer loads a big page, and the rubber bumpers are coming off the back.

So, they didn't show the x50v as returned. They fixed that. Then, the x51v was out of warranty because they don't change the service tags when you ship in your product. So someone bought the old x50v as a refurb, and thet still showed the Completecare on the x50v. It didn't get transferred when I got the x51v.

So, we're two and a half hours into this involving four chats, a tech support supervisor on the line, etc.

When I called Apple about my Macbook having screen streaking (that just turned out to be something I couldn't clean with microfiber cloth) they offered to clean it for me if I took it to an Apple store.

I won't bore you with the lengthy chat transcripts.

Buy a Mac.


Rob, I am a customer advocate here at Dell headquarters in Texas. I just found your blog and wanted to see if the warranty transfer problems for your x51v have been taken care of yet.

If they have not been fixed, or if you have any other questions or problems I can help you with, I will be more than happy to do what I can to get things straightened out. I can be reached by email at (with 'ATTN: Larry (x51v warranty)' in the subject).

Dell Customer Advocate

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