Christmas Time is Here"A Charlie Brown Christmas" by the Vince Guaraldi Trio. This is all the Charlie Brown Christmas song Goodness by the original artist.
$1.99 for 16 tracks of DRM free Christmas memories!
I've already bought my copy.
It's MP3's but of course you can burn it to CD or put it on your iPod, Zen, Zune, etc. because there is no copy protection like that pesky iTunes store.
DON'T PIRATE MUSIC. I've been buying quite a bit (and getting some free) from Amazon lately because the price and deal of the day has been too good and cheap to pass up.
$1.99 for 16 tracks of DRM free Christmas memories!
I've already bought my copy.
It's MP3's but of course you can burn it to CD or put it on your iPod, Zen, Zune, etc. because there is no copy protection like that pesky iTunes store.
DON'T PIRATE MUSIC. I've been buying quite a bit (and getting some free) from Amazon lately because the price and deal of the day has been too good and cheap to pass up.