
Showing posts from 2014

Eliminate Car Odor and Closet / Small Space Odor Cheap

Crappy Sienna Plantation Power: Here's what I did to Fix it!

LifeCharge Juicy Packs Mini-Review

ELM 327 Bluetooth OBD 2 for Nissan Leaf and Leaf Spy Pro: This one Works GREAT

CCD Barcode Scanners: #1 Seller on Amazon, I has it

Dancing Groot Toy: Amazon Pre-Order

Miix 2 Microphone Doesn't Fit: simple fix

Windows 8.1 Clean Install on Miix 2 8": Where to get drivers, and notes on the latest versions.

Coffee Pot Cleaner/Descaler

Nissan Leaf Range


Greatest Hits: Huey Lewis And The News $3.99

OS X Sound Not Working


Red Bull Cheap Syrup Substitute:

Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol.1 Soundtrack

I hope my son needs braces

Tell All Mobile: $29 unlimited data/talk/text LTE Plans

Britney Spears Can't Sing. Well, at least she needs more warming up.

Headbanging Construction Worker: Metal Construction!

Apple OS X Disk Utility Stops or appears to be incomplete on Boot Disk

Skull Candy Headphone Warranty: Mini-Review

Make it easier for a customer to buy something

Star Guardian Wars of the Galaxy Trailer...or something like that

Plantronics Voyager Legend Pro Updater not Working: My fix if you have access to a Mac

FireFox Web Browser Plays Space Invaders (Easter Egg)

Arianna Huffington Breaks Reality: I hope she doesn't Fact Check for the Huffington Post.

Karma Hotspot Review

iPhoto Facial Recognition Funny

Google Glass is Here

I Triple Dog Dare You!

Evgo Texas Plans: Here's a 'secret' one not on their website

2011 Nissan Leaf cabin Air Filter replacement: don't break the tab on the cover, here's how:

Unlocked Cell Phones: the current state of Things

Make Airmail the Default Email Client in Mac OS X when you Click an Email Link