Samuel Jackson Corners the Market on Role Type
Hollyweird (AP)
---For Immediate Release---
Samuel Jackson has finally cornered the market for certain roles.
All major studios have signed intent statements that have given Mr. Jackson a lifetime contract for roles that include any or all of these terms in the description for the part: 'Man who says MF!' 'Angry Cursing Man', 'Angry Black Male', 'Angry Black Man', 'F-Bomb Man', 'MF Bomb Man' or similar or substantially the same terms, phrases or intents.
In a statement released yesterday Mr. Jackson's agent said: "We're happy that we can provide this level of service to moviemakers, and although this has been unofficially the rule for a while, it's gratifying to see it in print.
As we all know: nobody does it better.
We'd also like to address any concerns from his fans: He will still be playing roles without these requirements."
---For Immediate Release---
Samuel Jackson has finally cornered the market for certain roles.
All major studios have signed intent statements that have given Mr. Jackson a lifetime contract for roles that include any or all of these terms in the description for the part: 'Man who says MF!' 'Angry Cursing Man', 'Angry Black Male', 'Angry Black Man', 'F-Bomb Man', 'MF Bomb Man' or similar or substantially the same terms, phrases or intents.
In a statement released yesterday Mr. Jackson's agent said: "We're happy that we can provide this level of service to moviemakers, and although this has been unofficially the rule for a while, it's gratifying to see it in print.
As we all know: nobody does it better.
We'd also like to address any concerns from his fans: He will still be playing roles without these requirements."