Dell r720xd notes: iDRAC login issues, loud fans, etc.
Dell R720xd Server notes.
1. Can't log into iDRAC? Hold down the blue LED button in the back for 15 seconds. It's on the far left next to the iDRAC ethernet port. Login is 'root' and 'calvin' for defaults. Loads fine on Chrome browser. I'm on Chrome Version 96.0.4664.55 (Official Build) (x86_64)
On a Mac. :) Version 8 update 311 is the installed Java version. If that still matters. It used to...
Fans too loud?
ssh into the idrac IP such as ssh root@ (your iDRAC IP not the server's IP)
And issue 'racadm set system.thermalsettings.FanSpeedOffset 0'
This lowerd the fans to 68% for me vs. 100%
So, not ideal.
I also found on reddit, racadm set system.thermalsettings.FanSpeedOffset 255 helps and THAT REALLY quieted it down.
*NOW* I'm back at 23%!!!
..reboot sent me back to 53%
I added a power supply and I think it messed it up somehow. The power supply also self updated it's firmware from IIRC 07.09.40 to 07.09.49 on the 1100W platinum supplies
Just now I had to issue the command to offset it to 0 then back to 255.
I think it finally took, BUT the fans stay pretty high until Unraid boots
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